Pipeline Integrity Assessment refers to the methods employed in investigating the soundness of pipelines (integrity) to protect people, property and environment from the consequences of pipeline failures - ruptures or leaks.
We offer a complete range of services for high resolution and defect identification using the following methods:
- In-line Inspection – MFL Inspection, Mapping, Caliper Inspection
- Direct Assessment – UT (Ultrasonic Technology), LRUT (Long Range Ultrasonic Testing)
- Hydrostatic Testing
We partner with world leaders in pig technology to supply and run intelligent pigging tools for pipeline inspection. We retrieve, analyze and report on the pipeline data and provide procedures for repair works where required.
Our proven, industry-accepted pipeline integrity engineering practices support a pragmatic approach without jeopardizing pipeline safety. This comprehensive range of assessment techniques evaluates anomaly criticality and enables us to recommend control measures, repair processes or changes to the system process to promote long-term pipeline integrity.
Post Inspection Dent Assessment (PIDA) reports use local dent strain data to identify the need for and to prioritize repairs to pipeline dents while Post Inspection Crack Assessment (PICA) reports use engineering criticality assessments to determine the acceptability and remaining life of crack indications found through ILI surveys.
These rigorous, regulatory compliant and quality assured assessment techniques and deliverables help pipeline operators use the value of ILI data to identify short and long-term integrity threats, avoid unnecessary and costly excavations and repairs while promoting safety and optimize long-term maintenance and repair schedules.