Our Services
Fabrication Yard
Topline Limited fabrication yard located on a 4,991 square meters plot is fully equipped for all technical operations, totally secured with 24 7 power supply and fitted with modern engineering workshop equipment The fabrication yard and office spaces are available for lease
Facilities include:
- 1. Work Bench (Mechanical, Instrument & Electrical) .
- 2. Valve Test Bench
- 3. Over head Trolley Hoist Lifting Mechanism (10 Tons) .
- 4. Storage Racks (Mechanical, Instrument & Electrical)
- 5. Eye Wash Station
- 6. First Aid Station
- 7. Mechanical Vice
- 8. Welding Booth (for Welders Qualification Test)
- 9. Tool Box (Mechanical Instrument & Electrical)
- 10.Mobile Lift Gantry (H 12m, W 4m, Tonnage 7 Tons)
Test unit for testing Shut Off valves, Control valves and Safety relief Valves:
- • flow meters for leak detection
- • 0-30 psi + 0 50 psi air actuator and positioner circuit 0-26 V DC Power supply, 4 20 mA controller
- • Data acquisition system
- • Hydraulic clamping system with automatic clamping force control
- • Digital bubble counter
- Hydraulic clamping systems are available with:
- 18, 30, 55, 85, 105 and 150 tons clamping force
TS 18-S | DN 10–250 mm | 3/8“–10“ |
TS 30-S | DN 10–250, 300, 400 mm | 3/8“–16“ |
TS 50-S | DN 10–250, 400, 500, 600 mm | 3/8“–24“ |
TS 80-S | DN 25–250, 400, 500, 600 mm | 1“–24“ |
TS 100-S | DN 50–400, 600 mm | 2“–24“ |
TS 150-S | DN 100–400, 600, 800 mm | 4“–32“ |