This pipeline runs from Ogbengbri to OB OB gas plant. This is one of the longest pipeline within the country, spanning over 121-kilometres The client was in doubt if this pipeline could be tested at it's full 121-kilometer stretch.
In order to reduce the challenges that come with hydro testing. First and foremost, we did a sectional testing which was about the first 64-kilometers. At the 64-kilometer point, a spectacle blind was installed to make sure pressure did not migrate into the other empty sections.
After testing the 64-kilometer stretch, the spectaclele blind was removed and the entire 121-kilometer was filled, flooded, cleaned, gauged and ready for the hydro test. Eventually, the line was tested at about 124.7 bar and held for 24 hours successfully.
The client and Toplines mother contractor were very impressed with the performance as the pipeline when originally installed was never tested at full stretch but this time we're able to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that it was doable and it was also done safely and successfully. Eventually, the line was tested Okay, the water was dried out and the line was flushed with nitrogen and handed over to the client for commissioning.