We believe in practical solutions that support an efficient, safe and sustainable future
Our IMS Policy is to conduct all our Operations in a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible manner whilst delivering timely and cost effective services that conform to requirements, meets client's needs and exceeds their expectation.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Performance.
TOPLINE LIMITED has demonstrated a high level of HSE standard, and we are committed to maintaining and improving upon this record. We shall therefore, continue to abide by our stated HSE policy and commitment as summarized below.
•Give the highest priority to the safety of staff, properties, and third parties in our operations.
•Continually assess environmental Aspects and explore ways to reduce the negative impact of our activities on the environment to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
•Be sensitive to the needs of our host communities within resource constraints via established guidelines. To ensure Objectives in this plan align with client goals, supported by past performance data, aiming for accident-free operations and a safer, cleaner environment.
TOPLINE LIMITED in its resolve to perform its activities in all of its sites resolve to STOP WORK when it is considered unsafe.
This stop work authorization empowers all personnel to intervene in any job process by stopping the operation thereby creating a time out for reassessment and re-evaluation of expressed concerns.
This authority must be respected by all irrespective of status as it has the full backing of the company managing director.
This authority is made in our avowed resolve that no job is so important to be done if it is not be done safely.
Under no circumstances should retribution be directed at any person(s) who exercise in good faith their stop work authority as detailed in this policy.